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Northwestern University

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极光加速器永久免费- 爬墙专用加速器

Manages and supports University initiatives.

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Board of Trustees

Board of Trustees


Provide support to the Board of Trustees while collaborating with University leadership to plan and facilitate meetings that advance discussion and decision-making across key priorities and result in strong University governance.




Guide institutional advancement by identifying areas of strategic importance, leading and informing planning processes, and integrating academic and administrative plans.


Institutional Research


Support decision-making and planning across the University by conducting analytical and policy studies, assessing institutional effectiveness and progress, and monitoring emerging issues through environmental scanning.


Program Review

Program Review

Lead the systematic review of all academic and administrative units to drive continuous improvement and planning.

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A list of all current members of the Northwestern University Board of Trustees.
Board of Trustees List
A set of resources for strategic planning, organized around a four-step planning process.
Planning Resources
A detailed outline of what units may expect throughout the Program Review process.
Program Review Process
A set of guides to assist units undergoing the process of Program Review.
Program Review Resources
An annual Northwestern University data book that provides a summary of official statistical information.
Quarterly reports that provide updates on Northwestern's progress and peer benchmarking.
Special Reports
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